

All posters will be displayed at the 3rd Floor of Centre Mont Royal from 3 to 5 October 2024.

1 Omar Aimer

Addressing pharmacovigilance training gaps: insights from a Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety online training program for Healthcare Professionals immigrating to North-America.

3 Elora Sharmin

Challenges and experiences to Establishment of a zonal pharmacovigilance centre (ZPC) in a tertiary care teaching university hospital, (BSMMU), in Bangladesh

4 Dr. Chinmaya Mahapatra

Artificial intelligence detecting data integrity in pharmacovigilance

5 Gurpreet Singh

Global Drug Development – Current Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

6 Yassir Bousliman

The Regionalization of Pharmacovigilance in Morocco: Case of the Mohammed V Military Instruction Hospital in Rabat

7 Paulo Henrique

COVID-19 vaccine administration errors or deviations reported to the Brazilian National Immunization Program: Descriptive Analysis, 2021-2023.

8 Kadda Hachem

Composition, antioxidant properties, and antibacterial preservation potential of Algerian Myrtus nivellei essential oil.

9 Saud Al-qahtani

Evaluation of LDL-C level post acute coronary syndrome “Retrospective cohort study”

10 Maria Inés Gouveia

Dug-drug Interactions as a Public Health Problem: Retrospective Study of Adverse Drug  Reaction Reports from the National Portuguese Pharmacovigilance System

11 Amelia Ng

Acute Autoimmune Hepatitis Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination: A Population-Based Study Using Electronic Health Records in Singapore

12 Dr. Narendra Bheemraj Parihar

Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring in Psychiatric Patients at Tertiary Care Hospital

13 Larissa Kopp

Real-world data obtained from active surveillance of adverse events following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines using the mobile app SafeVac 2.0

14 Francoise Livio

Pitfalls in the Management of Pharmacokinetic Drug-Drug Interactions: a Focus on Anticalcineurins and Azole Antifungals

15 Mwesigwa Douglas

Challenges Faced By Medicines And Therapeutic Committees In Regional Referral And District General Hospitals In Eastern And North Eastern Uganda

16 Marie-Laure Laroche

Economic burden of hospital admission due to an adverse drug reaction in France: the IATROSTAT ECO study

17 Maxine Gossell-Williams

Promoting Curricular Inclusion of Pharmacovigilance Awareness Among Medical Students Through A Research Skill Training Module

18 Flory Tsobo Muanda

Fluoroquinolone and Risk of Nightmares: A Disproportionality Analysis

21 Joana Félix

Pharmacovigilance Assessors’ Experiences Interacting with Narrative Fields in Spontaneous Reports: an Exploratory Interview Study

22 Teodoro Oscanoa

Association Between the NAT2 Gene and Pyrazinamide-induced Liver Injury in Peruvian Patients with Tuberculosis

24 Haona Li

Medication-related falls in older adults: a Bibliometric Review of Global Research

26 Xi Jin (Susie) Wang

Changing the course of the opioid epidemic one risk communication at a time

28 Teodoro Oscanoa

Effect of the CYP4F2 Gene on Warfarin Dose in Anticoagulated Peruvian Patients

29 Clément Jambon-Barbara

Signal detection of drugs associated with obstructive and central sleep apnoea

30 Gwenaelle Veyrac

Drug induced enterocolitis syndrome : a new clinical entity

31 Gwenaelle Veyrac

Erythema scarlatiniforme desquamativum recidivans with amoxicillin: study of the French pharmacovigilance database

32 ChenYang Bai

Masking Bias in Active Comparator Designs for Data Mining in Pharmacovigilance

33 Teodoro Oscanoa

Association Between Drug Transporter Gene SLCO1B1 With Pyrazinamide-induced liver Injury in Peruvian Patients with tuberculosis

34 Marie-Laure Laroche

Cannabinoids and adverse convulsive events: An analysis of the French pharmacovigilance and addictovigilance databases

36 Margarida Sousa

Adverse Events Related to Etonogestrel Implant: An Old But Still Current Issue?

37 Guillermo Keller

Safety In Pregnancy Of Equine Antivenom In The Treatment Of Accidents With Poisonous Animals

38 Guillermo Keller

Preliminary Report Of Multicenter Study On Safety Evaluation Of Off-label Use Of Cannabis Products For Anxiety, Insomnia And Chronic Pain

39 Joana Félix

Drug-induced Liver Injury Assessment in VigiBase

41 Payam Peymani

Leveraging Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in a Novel Multi-Agent Intelligent System for Pharmacovigilance: Early-Stage Development Study

43 Aleksandra Schwarzrock-Fabian

Dosing instructions on prescription to improve medication safety – a cross sectional study on German community pharmacists

44 Bouraoui Ouni

Celecoxib-induced leucocytoclastic vasculitis: A case report

45 Bouraoui Ouni

Atorvastatine induced acute pancreatitis: case report

46 Bouraoui Ouni

Anaphylactic shock induced by infliximab with positive skin test: A case report

47 Bouraoui Ouni

Rifampicin induced Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) with positive rechallenge

48 Jean-Luc Faillie

Fluoroquinolones Use and Risk of Hospitalization for Spontaneous Pneumothorax: A Nationwide Case-Time-Control Study

49 Jean-Luc Faillie

Can We Ask ChatGPT About Drug Safety? Appropriateness of ChatGPT Responses to Questions about Drug Use and Adverse Reactions

50 Bouraoui Ouni

Vancomycine infusion induced anaphylactic shock: a case report

52 Bouraoui Ouni

Assessment of Residents of Medicine Level of Knowledge in Pharmacovigilance (Faculty of Medicine of Sousse, Tunisia)

53 Jean-Luc Faillie

Serious Acute Pancreatitic Reaction in the Context of Misuse of Dulaglutide for Weigh Loss: A Case Report

54 Bouraoui Ouni

Causes of under-reporting of adverse events and Solution according to Residents of Medicine (Faculty of Medicine of Sousse, Tunisia)

55 Jean-Luc Faillie

Allergy-Like Nocebo Events with COVID-19 Vaccination are Associated With Age, History Of allergy, Vaccine Type and Poor Perception of Effectiveness

56 Ela Bogoridov

Unlocking Safety Insights: Integrating Pharmacovigilance and Patient Support Program Data

57 Laura Costantino

Suspected Adverse Reactions Of Eptinezumab In The Treatment Of Headache: Real-World Data From EudraVigilance Database.

58 Victoria Munoz Goyette

Influence of External Factors on Spontaneous Reporting Practices: An Analysis of FAERS Data

59 Laura Costantino

Analysis Of ADRs Detected During a Retrospective Study In a Geriatric Department

60 Laura Costantino

Analysis Of The Risk Of Gastrointestinal Bleeding In The Elderly Patient And Evaluation Of The Impact Of Antithrombotics.

61 Maria Storey

Responding to reports of colchicine fatalities in New Zealand

62 Laura Costantino

Analysis Of The Risk Of QT Prolongation In The Elderly Patients Undergoing Polypharmacy.

63 bouraoui Ouni

Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) associated with Anti-Tuberculosis drugs: retrospective study

64 Bouraoui Ouni

Anti-tuberculosis drugs (ATDs) induced hepatotoxicity

65 Bouraoui Ouni

Priapism induced by Sertraline: case report

66 Francois Montastruc

Psychiatric decompensation after discontinuation of antiemetic neuroleptics

67 Pallavi Pradhan

Canadian Clinical Context: A Replicability and Validation study of Naranjo Causality Assessment Tool

68 Ikra Ashraf

An audit on adherence to Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency guidance to reduce risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients on Janus Kinase Inhibitors.

70 Sonia Corbin

Overview of causality assessment of adverse events among drug users in a tertiary hospital setting: a retrospective study

71 Daniel Malek

Paternal exposure to medicines leading to detrimental outcomes in offspring: A scoping review

72 Sofia Attelind


73 Atefeh Jafari

Sacubitril-valsartan and Risk of Alzheimer-type dementia: A Disproportionality Analysis

74 Karen Schmidt

A Patient Safety Competency Model for Measuring and Building Pharmacovigilance Skills in a Developing Organization

75 Avani Shah

A Proprietary Solution for Resource Management in Safety Organizations, Centered around Individual and Organization Skillsets

76 Payam Peymani

Enhancing Safety: A Proof-of-Concept Pilot Study to Establish a Framework for Pan-Canadian 2SLGBTQI+ Medication Safety Initiatives

79 Aileen Chua

Perspectives and Challenges of Marketing Authorisation Holders in Implementing a Pregnancy Prevention Programme (PPP) in Singapore

80 Raffaella Di Napoli

Looking to the future: Disproportionality analysis provides critical insights into CAR T-cell safety and secondary malignancy risk (FAERS Pharmacovigilance Database)

81 Pedro Miguel

Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Adverse Drug Reactions to Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors: 10-Year Review of Reports to the European Pharmacovigilance System

82 Steven Black

Training Programs to Develop a Pool of DSMB members from LMICs and Training for LMIC Vaccine Clinical Trial Investigators

84 Sieara Plebon-Huff

Annual Report of Adverse Reactions Associated with Cannabis Products Reported to Health Canada, 2022

85 Yingjia Chen

Enhancing Patient Safety with Dashboard for Advanced Safety Analytics Exploration: A Step Towards Proactive, Personalized, and Predictive Drug Safety Management

86 Yingjia Chen

Risk factor identification for anemia and immune-related hepatitis in NSCLC Patients Treated with PDL1/PD1: single-source vs meta-analysis coefficient estimates

87 Yingjia Chen

Enhancing pharmacovigilance through methods-driven comparability of cross-data source analyses of anemia and immune-mediated hepatitis in NSCLC patients treated with PD-1/PD-L1 therapies

88 Shweta Todkar

Comprehensive analysis of heart failure management: Insights from Vision C+ registry

89 Gladys Martha Delgado Perez

Virtual interconsultations to a clinical pharmacy service to reduce underreporting of adverse drug reactions

90 Francois Montastruc

Concomitant use of antipsychotics and progestogens: an increased risk of reporting galactorrhea?

92 Ella van Vliet

Knowing me, knowing you – Lessons learned from three European studies on European Medicines Agency’s risk communication

93 Florencia Amato

Follow-Up of Pure Red Cell Aplasia Associated to Hemax®, a Biosimilar Epoetin Alfa.

95 Florencia Amato

Vitreous Detachment and Teriparatide (Osteofortil): Case Report and Literature Review.

96 Marine Auffret

Adverse events reported with medical cannabis during the French experimentation

97 Julien Mahé

Cutaneous Adverse Events Associated With Enfortumab Vedotin: A Critical Analysis of French Pharmacovigilance Data

98 Brahim Azzouz

Venlafaxine and Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome: Data from VigiBase® and Literature.

99 Florencia Amato

Skin Ulcers at Injection Sites Under Interferon-Beta 1a in a Multiple Sclerosis Patient: Case Report.

100 Brahim Azzouz

Skin Papilloma after Upadacitinib Exposure: Data from VigiBase®.

101 Floraise Lynda Tanguenan

Are Serious Adverse Events Reported in the Quebec Population Treated for Heart Failure?

102 Jorge Emanuel Da Silva Monteiro

Evaluation of Oncology Medicinal Products Risk Minimisation Measures: a Review of Studies Registered in the European Medicines Agency (HMA-EMA) Catalogue

103 Nassir Mirfendereski

Opioid Analgesic-Associated Adrenal Insufficiency : A Dual-Approach Pharmacovigilance Study

104 Elizabeth Teketel

Implementing an Active Surveillance Study of Patients Treated with a Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Dolutegravir (TLD) Regimen for HIV in Mozambique

106 Sylvine Pinel

Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus(r)) induced neutropenia: study in the French Pharmacovigilance Database

107 Brahim Azzouz

Depression Risk with Teriparatide: Disproportionality Analysis and Potential Mechanisms.

108 Elizabeth Teketel

Institutionalizing a Digital System for Active Tuberculosis Drug Safety Monitoring in the Philippines

109 Clarice Ambale

Improving awareness on pharmacovigilance reporting in Kenya

110 Elizabeth Teketel

Strengthening the Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System for COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring and beyond: a case of Tanzania

111 Guillermo Keller

An Approach to the Risk-Benefit Evaluation of Antivenoms Based on Bothrops Bites Cases from Digital Records

112 Cecilia Beltran

level of knowledge about pharmacovigilance in undergraduate students of medicine and pharmacy in Lima-Peru

113 Christian Kapinga

Impact of stringent vigilance systems for medical devices and Invitro diagnostics in Africa: A case study in Tanzania

115 Rebecca Preyra

Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim and Risk of Blood Disorders: An Active Comparator Restricted Disproportionality Analysis

116 Rebecca Preyra

Safety of Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim for the Treatment of Bacterial Infection in Outpatient Settings: A Meta-analysis and Pharmacovigilance Study

117 Fatemeh Soleymani

Monitoring the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Antidepressant Utilization Trends in Iran

119 Gloria Shalviri

Medication Errors Reporting by Nurses Through Electronic Reporting System, a Realist Review.

120 Juanina da Costa

The Current Pharmacovigilance System in Timor-Leste by an Indicator-Based Assessment Tool

121 Juanina da Costa

The Characteristics of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) in Timor-Leste

122 Ghadeer Banasser

Technological Tools and Guidelines in Medication Name Screening: SFDA’s Approach and Outcomes

123 Aseel Alshayji

Improving Medication Safety in Saudi Healthcare System: The Role of Regional Pharmacovigilance Officers (RPVOs) in Implementing Additional Risk Minimization Measures

124 Ahmed Hassan

Adverse events associated with sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors: A UK National Pharmacovigilance Study

125 Caroline Joyau

Carpal tunnel syndrome and immune checkpoint inhibitors: review of french pharmacovigilance database and literature

126 Priscilla Lopes

A Feasibility Assessment Of The FDA Adverse Event Reporting System For The Detection Of Cannabis-Related Safety Signals

128 Sarah Banholzer

Hepatic Disorders Associated with GLP-1 Receptor Agonists: Analysis of individual case safety reports in VigiBase

130 Amal Arafah

Classification and Evaluation of Pre-Authorized Pharmacovigilance Agreements of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products Related Marketing Authorization Holders (MAHs): An Observational Study

131 Mehdi Benkebil

A Risk Minimization Tool For Drug Exposure During Pregnancy: A Multidisciplinary Approach To Reassess The Pregnancy Pictogram On Medication Packaging

132 Mulatedzi Makhado

Integration Of Electronic TB Register (EDRWeB) And Pharmacovigilance Monitoring System (PViMS) To Improve Clinica Governance

133 Abdullatif Alotaibi

Comprehensive Analysis of Pharmacovigilance Inspections Findings: Focus on inspection Topics in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Saudi Arabia

134 Niaz Chalabianloo

Comparative Safety Analysis of Serious Adverse Drug Events in North America: A 19-Year Study of FDA and Canadian Vigilance Databases

135 Laurent Chouchana

Use of methylphenidate and reporting of valvular heart disease: global pharmacovigilance analysis in children and adults

137 Laurent Chouchana

Safety of ifosfamide during pregnancy: a comprehensive analysis

138 Brian Savwa

Magnitude and Predictors of Drug Therapy Problems Among Patients with Leukemia at a National Referral Hospital in Kenya.

140 Fatemeh Ahmadi

Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and Risk of Acute Respiratory Failure in Youth and Adolescents: A Disproportionality Analysis

141 Mayra Martho

The Implementation of KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to Manage the Pharmacovigilance System of a Public Vaccine Producer in Brazil

142 Mohammed Salem

Pre-Existing Comorbidities as Risk Factors for Myocarditis/Pericarditis Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Young Males: An Observed Versus Expected Analysis

143 Masayoshi Nakakuni

Safety Signal Detection of Hepatocellular Injury following Methotrexate Administration in Children with Cancer and Rare Diseases

146 Fátima Roque

A codesign approach for designing qualitative study for exploring knowledge and attitudes related to the use of antibiotics in animals

148 Vitor Roque

Enhancing Public Awareness of Antibiotic Resistance Through Regulatory Agencies’ Social Media Users Engagement in Portugal

149 Fátia Roque

Guideline for Antimicrobial Prescription in Food-producing Animals in OECD-related countries: a contribution for OneHealth

150 Ana Margarida Advinha

Rivaroxaban Risk Management: Qualitative Analysis of Portuguese Educational Materials

153 Mohammed Fouda

Evaluating Machine Learning Models for Predicting Saudi Pharmacovigilance Risk Management Measures

154 Alhanouf Aldajani

Spontaneous reporting of adverse reactions related to Antiplatelet Drugs in Saudi Arabia

155 João Fernandes

Antipsychotic Abuse and Dependence: a 10-year Review of Reports to the European Pharmacovigilance System

156 Anne Lise Ruellan

Pharmacovigilance of innovative long-acting injectable antiretroviral therapy: a post-marketing retrospective study

157 João Fernandes

Melatonin Safety Profile in the Neuropsychiatric Pediatric Setting − a Retrospective Global Study

158 Shazia Hasan

Targeted Pharmacovigilance for Metronidazole-Induced Neuropathy in Patients of Amoebic Liver Abscess at A Tertiary Care Hospital: An Ambispective Study

159 Laurent Chouchana

Pregnancy outcomes in females living with cystic fibrosis exposed to CFTR modulators: early findings from a French nationwide cohort study

160 Marie Liles-Burden

Viability of Serious Gaming in Effective Risk Minimization

161 Fotoun Alblowi

The Top Reported Medications Associated with Life-Threatening Adverse Drug Events in Saudi Arabia: Insights from a Spontaneous Reporting System

162 Laurent Chouchana

Association between neurodevelopmental disorders reporting in offspring and antidepressant use during pregnancy

164 Maude Lavallée

Impact of mandatory report on adverse event declaration in an academic tertiary center of Quebec

165 Laurent Chouchana

Prenatal exposure to proton pump inhibitors and risk of serious infections in offspring: a nationwide cohort study

166 Yassine Aimer

Pharmacy Survey in the City of Saida: Pharmaceutical Waste Management

168 Sandra Mendoza

Partnerships and Pharmacovigilance Agreements Regulations in Latin America

169 Fatemeh Ahmadi

Automating Population-Based Studies for 30-Day Adverse Drug Event Detection in Older Adults with Chronic Kidney Disease Using High-Throughput Computing

171 Dalil Boulefaa

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss After mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: Early Safety Signal Generation Using Disproportionality Analysis on a Nationwide Pharmacovigilance Database

173 Bobet Aurélie


174 Delphine Bourneau-Martin

Frozen shoulder after COVID-19 vaccination : A review of covid-19 vaccines surveillance in France

175 Khadija Lechheb


176 Fatima Ait El Hadj

Acute hepatitis and phytovigilance : A case report

178 Hager Saleh

ISoP Medication errors SIG: Integrated Antimicrobial Resistance Action (IARA) Program

179 Veselinka Vukicevic

Are Men and Women Equal When it comes to Valproates – Analysis of Prescribing practice in Montenegro

180 Marco Bonaso

Questionnaire-Based Survey Investigating ADR Spontaneous Reporting Knowledge, Experiences and Attitudes in Italian Oncology Wards

182 Marie Briet

Cyclin-Kinase 4/6 Inhibitors and Renal Failure: a Study Based on the French National Pharmacovigilance Database

183 Raffaella Di Napoli

Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events related to JAK inhibitors: a disproportionality analysis using WHO global individual case safety database.

184 Szandra Marton

Impact of Additional Risk Minimization Measures on Prescribing Patterns: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis

185 Inês Tavares

Effectiveness of Educational Materials as Additional Risk Minimization Measures for Faricimab (Vabysmo®), Aflibercept (Eylea®) and Ranibizumab (Lucentis®) – The MARVEL Study

186 Anders Sundström

Pulmonary Embolism and COVID-19 Vaccinations in 2021 and 2022: a Study in a Swedish Population of 7.5 Million People

187 Nino Solagadze

Awareness of Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Among the Physicians in Georgia

188 Ryan Walker

Knowledge Communities: What Are They, How Do They Work, and Why Are They Key to Strengthening the Global Pharmacovigilance Ecosystem?

189 Veronique Kugener

The American Program in Pharmacovigilance (Am2P): A new accredited training program in Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology

190 Garo Safaian

Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety

191 Candice Drinkwater

A Systematic Literature Review of the Long-term Adverse Events Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines

192 Jose Alberto Ayala Ortiz

Education in Pharmacovigilance, creation of the Pharmacovigilance Classroom in collaboration with the University of Granada.

193 Jefferson Santiago Piedra Andrade

Increase in antibiotic resistance in a specialty hospital between two periods from january 2018 to december 2023: a cross-sectional study.

194 Jean-Christophe Delumeau

Update on the initiatives developed by the ISoP SiG on Risk Minimisation Methods

195 Aleksandra Milosavljevic

Exploring Stakeholders’ Experiences and Views on Capturing Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine Exposures in Routinely Collected Health Data

197 Roberto Da Cas

Sex differences in reporting suspected adverse drug reactions in Italy

199 Jukai Huang

Multiple evidences for safety evaluation of Chinese Patent Medicines

200 Elizabeth Teketel

Strengthening Pharmacovigilance and Safety Surveillance in Bangladesh

201 Cristina Morciano

A Self-Controlled Case Series Study To Evaluate Neurological Events After Influenza Vaccination In Italy: TheShinISS-Vax Flu Post-Marketing Surveillance

202 Francesco Salvo

Use of artificial Intelligence-based assistant tool: quantitative and qualitative feedback from pharmacovigilance professionals of French Network of Pharmacovigilance Centers.

203 Magnus Ekelo

Enhancing Detection and Reporting of Medication Errors Through Online Learning. 
Can an Online Course Bring About Any Actual Change?

204 Valeria Belleudi

Pharmacological Therapy in Patients with Gender Dysphoria: A Cohort Study in the Lazio Region, Italy

205 Giuseppe Cicala

Dual Orexin Receptor Antagonists versus Z-drugs: a Disproportionality Analysis Using WHO Drug Safety Database

206 Cecilia Cagnotta

Sex differences in beta-blocker-related adverse events: a pharmacovigilance comparative analysis of metoprolol and carvedilol in heart failure using EudraVigilance data

207 Michelle Hines

Intoxicating Novel Cannabinoid Products Involved in Adverse Event Reports Received by the Food and Drug Administration

208 Aurore Morel

Association between Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 Drugs and Hearing Impairment

209 Leah Herity

Safety Signal Identification for Risankizumab-rzaa in the Sentinel Distributed Database Using Self-Controlled and Active Comparator Study Designs

210 Paola Maria Cutroneo

Post-Marketing Surveillance of polatuzumab vedotin: a disproportionality analysis of the US FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database

211 Andreia Rodrigues Lopes, MD, PharmD

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Venous Thromboembolism: a Pharmacovigilance Analysis of the Eudravigilance Database

212 Abdallah Alami

Safety of RSV Vaccine among Pregnant Individuals: A Real-World Pharmacovigilance Study Using Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

213 Eileen Farnon

Preparing for Vaccine Adverse Event of Special Interest-X (AESI-X): a standardized approach applied to novel vaccines

214 Tchadji Mayoudom Vanessa Edwige

Targeted detection of pharmaceutical residues in fish and macroinvertebrates around the waste water treatment at Yaounde University Teaching Hospital , Cameroon

216 Elena Berti

Analysis Of ADR In Oncology Patients Treated With Fluoropyrimidines With Known And Unknown Genotype In Relation To DPYD Gene Polymorphisms

217 Ugo Moretti

Comparison of different NLP systems to extract adverse drug reaction information from the medicinal product information

218 Elizabeth Teketel

Strengthening Pharmacovigilance in Rwanda, Introducing PViMS for Spontaneous Reporting of Adverse Drug Effects

219 Claire Bernardeau

Are causal claims reported in disproportionality analysis using individual case safety reports exacerbated in related citations? A meta-research study

220 Andy Stergachis

Landscape Assessment of Active Safety Surveillance of Novel Vaccines in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

222 Hager Saleh

Exploring Drug Knowledge Base Usage in Medical Education: Perspectives and Practices Among Medical Students

224 Seun Onasanya

A Systematic Review of Pharmacovigilance System in Africa: Performance, Challenges, and Option to Enhance Pharmacovigilance.

226 Ilma Bertulyte

Genome-Wide Association Study on Possible Association Between Inflammatory Neuropathies and SARS-CoV2 Vaccines

227 Marie Jones

A Systematic Review of Case Reports of Allergic and Hypersensitivity ADRs Associated with PEG-Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (PEG-GCSF) and PEG-Asparaginase (PEG-ASE).

230 João Fernandes

Unraveling Psychotic Disorders: A 10-Year Analysis of Cases Received by the Portuguese National Pharmacovigilance System

231 João Fernandes

Defective Medicines: A Retrospective Review of Cases Received by the Portuguese National Pharmacovigilance System Over the Last Ten Years

233 Ana Silva

Adverse Drug Reactions Reported by Community Pharmacists in the Last 6 Years – A Landscape Analysis

236 Ana Silva

ADR Reports in Portugal: Healthcare Professionals vs Consumers – 10 Years of Experience

237 Atheer Aldayel

Visits to Healthcare Units to Raise Awareness and Improve Implementation of Additional Risk Minimization Measures (aRMMs) in Saudi Healthcare Settings

238 Afaf Bouqoufi

The Crucial Role of Teratovigilance in Assessing Medication Risks During Pregnancy

239 Najd Alabdulrahman

Risk Communication about Medications: Initiatives for Improvement in Saudi Arabia

240 Afaf Bouqoufi

Teratogenic effect of medicinal plants used during pregnancy by pregnant women from EMRO‘s region: A Systematic Review

241 Afaf Bouqoufi


245 Agnès Lillo

Pharmacovigilance and Onco-Cardiology: a synergistic interaction.

246 Jeremiah Ewudzie-Sampson

The Use of Mobile Application Versus Other Reporting Channels for Adverse Events Reporting During COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment in Ghana

247 Adela Ashie

A Decade of Implementation Good Pharmacovigilance Practice in Lower Middle-Income Country: A Case Study from Ghana

249 Daniela Daza

A Guide for the Correct Management of High-Risk Drugs as a Tool for Integrated Key Stakeholders in Colombia

250 Adela Ashie

A Deep Dive into the National Pharmacovigilance Data: Analysis of Adverse Drug Reactions Reported to Contraceptive Use

252 Abena Asamoa-Amoakohene

Haemovigilance in a Low- and Middle-Income Country; Ghana’s Experience

253 Adela Ashie

Development of Vaccine Related Event (VRE) Response Plan: A Case Study of Ghana

254 Ronald Kiguba

Impact of the Med Safety App on Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting by Health Workers in Uganda: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

257 Marina Malikova

Safety and risk-management in clinical trials with tissue regenerative products.

258 Marina Malikova

Impact of social determinants of health on safety of patients in device clinical trials conducted at a safety-net hospital.

259 Sun-Young Jung

Factors associated with Immune-related Adverse Events in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Users

260 Yesenia Rodríguez

Assessment of adverse events due to BBIBP-CorV vaccine  in a Peruvian Pharmacovigilance Center

262 Cinthya Galicia

Development and Implementation of a Health Transformational Leadership workshop to Health Care Professionals in México.

263 Liliana Vargas Neri

Pharmacovigilance activities for the early detection of Drug-related problems (DRPs) on antibiotic therapy in hospitalized pediatric patients an integral part of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP).

264 Evelyne Pierron

Enhanced surveillance of adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines in France: Feedback with Three examples of Signals

265 Obaidur Reza Choudhury


266 Johanna Meyer

What Influences Major Influencers of COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions? Evidence from South Africa

267 Preeti Khard

Signal Detection and Management for Vaccines

269 Nouzha Lazli

Assessment of Severe Adverse Effects of a dietary supplement containing Resveratrol and Quercetin dihydrate

271 Alex Dodoo

Standardizing QPPV Training in Africa: Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Curriculum and Objective Assessments for Enhanced Pharmacovigilance Competency

272 나영 손

Evaluating The Risk of Cardiac Arrhythmia in Patients Taking Sodium Channel Blockers Using Real World Data in Korea